I hope everyone had a wonderful Valentine’s Day with your
loved ones! I spent mine at the gym, going for a run and then cooking dinner
for my family. Jeremy and I aren’t very romantic when it comes to heart shaped
holidays. We don’t do cards, big gifts or boxes of candy, however I was
secretly hoping for some chocolate.
Here’s the big question: Is romance synonymous with love?
Our good friend called us and reminded us that Vegas is a very romantic
destination for Valentine’s Day weekend. With promises of romance we took the 6
hour drive to Nevada and proceeded to have a great weekend. Apparently
Valentine’s weekend is a big one in Vegas. All of the chapels are booked up,
hotels are without vacancies and brides and grooms are running around the strip
getting in their last hurrah.
The reality is, our Valentine’s weekend in Vegas wasn’t
romantic, but it was filled with love. We spent time with friends we hadn’t
seen in a while, enjoyed dinner together, clapped loudly at our friend’s gig
after every song and spent time on their couch just catching up. We didn’t need
flowers, cards or candles. We just needed the people we love and the time to
enjoy them.