
Sunday, December 11, 2011

Weekend Finds

Our weekend was filled with relaxation and a bit of family time. My sister came home from college for her winter break, we did some shopping for rose bushes at the local nursery and tried to stay warm. I received a package on Friday with my new Keds black and white saddle shoes. I found them on sale for $15 with free shipping. Heck ya!

 On Sunday we drove up to LA for the Renegade Holiday Craft Show. Lots of fun vendors, food trucks and even hands on crafts. My sister and I made mosaic frames with Piece by Piece. They are a great non-profit that teach underserved LA residents to create art and benefit from the sale of what they create. We also grabbed fun props and took a few photos at the Magnolia Photo Booth Co booth.

 On our way home we stopped in China Town for some crackling rice soup. YUM! There was a beats festival with food vendors and lots and lots of vinyl. We learned that LA has a DJ academy and talked a bit to one of their alumni who made some vinyl art for my sister and I. They turned out really cool. Near the parking lot there was an old mill building that has been boarded up. We left wondering how we could get in there to see what cool stuff we might find.

Keds Saddle Shoes

Los Angeles State Historic Park

Gettin' Crafty

The Family

Wondering what awesome stuff is in this building

Vinyl Art from Scratch DJ Academy

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