
Monday, January 9, 2012

Oh The Places We Go: Tar Pits

It was a busy weekend! We celebrated my sister’s birthday in Los Angeles at the La Brea Tar Pits. If you have not been, you should. Imagine Ice Age fossils being found in a huge metropolitan area. No dinosaurs, but plenty of Mammoths, sloths and wolves. It’s Ice Age meets Hollywood. We’d been to the museum before but this time we took the walking tour and it was neat to hear about the different ongoing digs. Sadly due to funding they are only able to dig for 2 to 3 months a year.

For lunch we stopped off at the famous deli Philippe where they serve yummy French dip sandwiches. The lines are always long but the food delicious. While waiting for our sandwiches I took some birthday photos of my sister against a brick wall that’s had graffiti added over the years by the patrons. There was tremendous amount of sunlight coming in through the windows which had a neat effect on the photos.
Before heading home we stopped at Spudnuts. Yes, that's right people donuts made from potato. Our favorite! During the drive home I snapped a few photos to share. Enjoy!

The Birthday Girl!

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