
Monday, January 30, 2012

Weekend Finds

We had a truly fantastic weekend!  Jeremy and I went to have lunch with my sister Stacie and we stopped at a few garage and estate sales on the way. The pickin’ was the best so far this year. We found plenty of Pyrex and costume jewelry that will be in the shop this week. I was excited to find a Fire King milk white bowl with aqua diamonds around it. It is going to match our dinnerware perfectly! For a dollar I found a vintage hole punch that is going to work great for crafting.

We had lunch at one of those sushi places where the servings are on a conveyer belt and you grab what you want to eat. It was fun to see what’s coming down the sushi bar and for $2 a plate, we got to try all sorts of tasty food. My sister and I headed to the Muzeo in Anaheim to check out the Steampunk exhibit. If you have a chance to check it out before February 12th, you totally should. They have gadgets, costumes and even a time machine. We saw a group of five dressed up wearing vests, skirts and other awesome wears that fit the Victorian Romance era of the 19th century. Wish we had taken photos of them but we forgot the camera and the inside of the museum was a no photo zone.

This weekend was also the Tinkerbell half marathon at Disneyland and surrounding areas of Anaheim. Although we didn’t run in any of the events we decided to check out the Disney Run Expo. ABC was there promoting Pan Am and giving away awesome crossbody bags and luggage tags. So glad we were there at the right time to get these bags. As for free stuff, there wasn’t too much left by the time we showed up. We did get to try Happy Squeeze smoothie products which are organic fruit and veggie pouches filled with yummy goodness. My favorite was the orange pumpkin and got to bring home a whole pouch. I’m off for a run so that I can have it after!
Yum! Sushi.

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