
Tuesday, November 6, 2012

A Place I Live: Planet Tnez Art Gallery


Planet Tnez will be hosting an all wood design art show this Saturday November 10, 2012. We are delighted to announce that Jeremy’s reclaimed wood designs will be part of this show.

We met Tommy Martinez, artist and owner of Planet Tnez last May at the Anaheim Art Crawl Experience. He stopped at our booth because something caught his eye: wood. He was showing his paintings and wood benches at the CIM Art Gallery and made sure we stopped by afterwards to talk and see his space. He commented that Jeremy’s designs really needed to be shown on a wall.

Normally during craft shows we display Jeremy’s designs on tables since hauling makeshift walls strong enough to hold up the heavy wood pieces is pretty cumbersome. Because of that, there is sometimes confusion as to what the pieces are supposed to be. We are very excited to finally see the designs up on walls where they belong.

A big thank you to Tommy for the opportunity to get our wood designs up on a wall.

The Planet Tnez wood art show coincides with the Anaheim Art Crawl Experience so please come on down and support local artists!

Planet Tnez
508 W. Chestnut St.
Anaheim, CA 92805
Located at the west end of the Center Street Promenade, just across Harbor Blvd.

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