
Friday, February 22, 2013

52 Lists: Healthy Mind, Body & Soul

I was so happy when I read what this week’s list was to be about health. Physical health has been at the forefront of my motivation to be more active and eat more balanced foods in the last year or so. I’ve become fit, strong and healthier. As I learn that I can challenge my body, I try new things that I never thought I could do, like pull ups! I’m even considering signing up for a half marathon with some of my gym friends even though the farthest I’ve ran has been 5 miles. I feel much more balanced now with a healthy mind, body and soul.



  1. I can relate to most of the things on your list! I love that you ended with 'Believing in me' something I'm constantly working towards! Great post!

  2. Your list is simple, to the point, and perfect.


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