
Monday, December 10, 2012

Christmas Checklist…Naughty or Nice?

Only 15 more days until Christmas and I’m not ready! Are you?

I’ve never been an early shopper despite not liking to deal with busy stores and hard to find parking, but this year I’m steering clear of the mall. Most of our gift giving is handmade this year, or purchased from small businesses. To be honest, I much prefer shopping from the couch in my pajamas!

Here’s a little checklist to help your Holiday shopping go smoothly!
 Click on the photo to download. For private use only please.

Lovely Link Ups: Craftberry Bush


  1. Ugh, I'm totally not ready. We're having an early Christmas with a few family members this weekend, so I need to have all of their gifts ready to roll, plus I want to have everything else that needs to be sent out on its way before we leave. Aaaaaah! Thanks for the list, though! It will help. :-)

    1. Good luck Paige! Especially at the post office line once all your shopping and wrapping is done. Merry Christmas!

  2. I agree with you...ours will be mostly handmade, and we've cut down the number of gifts. It's time the kids understand what we are really celebrating. But we will hit the mall at least once, just to window shop and goof around.

    1. Since there aren't little ones in the family at the moment our Christmas is smaller. We love celebrating our friends and family that the gifts are just the cherry on top! Have fun at the mall!


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