
Thursday, December 27, 2012

Surviving My First Nor’ Easter

Can’t say I’ve ever been in a blizzard until today! Every time I asked what a Nor’ Eastah was, I was told to just wait for it. When we went to bed last night it hadn’t started to snow yet and I was a little nervous since we had taken wagers on how much snowfall this blizzard would bring. My guess was 12 inches, which is about an inch of rain. Since I have never experienced an extreme snow storm, I took a chance and listened to the snow chart on the weather channel with fingers crossed.

When I woke up this morning and looked out the window there was about four to five inches of snow on the ground and we had one thing on the brain: snowball fight!  Hope anyone else experiencing winter storms is having a snowy fun time, and keeping safe.


1 comment:

  1. Hi- New follower from Etsy Blog Team... I live in Nor'-easter territory..Looks like my back yard. Enjoy the snow!
    Stop over to my blog when you can!


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